According to a news release, the law society also “anticipates that the June Barrister and Solicitor examinations and the July Paralegal examination will also move to online delivery over the summer months.”
“The law society is confident that the new online delivery model will continue to ensure entry-level competence which is in the public interest,” said CEO Diana Miles in a statement.
“This will also provide candidates with an opportunity to fulfill the requirements of the licensing process during this unprecedented crisis,” she added.
According to the release, the “security and integrity of the examinations continue to be a priority for the LSO.”
The release explained that the examination administration and “remote proctoring provided by external service providers follow industry best practices in compliance with standards defined by international accrediting bodies such as ISO/ANSI 17024.”
“Priority will be given to those candidates for whom the March Solicitor examination is their final requirement to be licensed, followed by all other candidates who were scheduled to write the March Solicitor examination,” the release added, noting that the LSO is “currently unable to confirm dates of future in-person examinations” due to public health mandated social distancing.