“Extending these emergency orders gives our frontline health-care providers the necessary flexibility to rapidly respond to urgent needs and protect our most vulnerable,” Premier Doug Ford said in a June 17 news release. “Even though we’re seeing decreasing infection rates with increased testing levels, we can’t let our guard down just yet. We need to keep these emergency measures in place to support our frontline heroes and we must all continue following the public health advice, so we can reopen more of the province safely and gradually.”
The emergency orders have been put in place under s.7.0.2 (4) of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act.
According to the news release, the government will continue to review each order “on an ongoing, case-by-case basis to determine when and if they can safely be adjusted or lifted, as part of the province’s framework to safely reopen the province.”
The government recently announced that 31 public health unit regions across the province may proceed to stage 2 of its Framework for Reopening the Province, permitting more businesses and services to resume operations. The reopening process has been delayed in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area and the Windsor area. In addition, larger social gatherings of up to 10 people are now allowed in all parts of the province.
A full list of the emergency orders can be found on the e-Laws website under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act and at Ontario.ca/alert.