The closely watched case, the only one so far in Quebec that has been decided on the merits, is expected to have important ramifications for landlords and tenants, underlines the importance of carefully drafting force majeure clauses, and highlights the weight the courts will give to the notion of peaceable enjoyment, according to legal observers.

Christopher Richter, Torys LLP
In “constant conflict” over a number of issues, the case pitted HengYun International Investment Commerce Inc., the owner of a building in Montreal, who sued its tenant, a numbered company operating a fitness centre, for unpaid rent. The tenant, 9368-7614 Québec Inc. operating under the name NDG Fitness Center, was forced by government decree to close its gym for a period of three months, beginning in March 24, 2020. Under the Order in Council 223-2020 by the Quebec government, gyms were not deemed to be essential services. Québec Inc. maintained that its inability to operate and therefore generate revenue was caused by force majeure — or what is referred to as superior force under the Civil Code of Quebec (CCQ). As a result, it should not pay for the three-month period.
The landlord argued that the gym was not in a situation that could be described as a superior force, and even it was, the situation was contemplated by a contract provision in the lease that requires Québec Inc. to pay rent even in light of a force majeure event. On top of that, HengYun noted that the fitness centre received a $40,000 emergency government loan because of the pandemic and could therefore not argue that it was prevented from superior force from paying the rent.
Under Article 1470 of the Civil Code of Quebec, a superior force is an unforeseeable and irresistible event. An event is unforeseeable if it could not reasonably have been foreseen at the time of the obligation, or in this case when the lease was signed. An event is irresistible if it prevents the performance of an obligation by anyone and not just by the debtor. That an obligation may be more “onerous or difficult,” does not satisfy the criteria of irresistibility, noted Quebec Superior Court Justice Peter Kalichman in Hengyun International Investment Commerce Inc. c. 9368-7614 Québec inc. 2020 QCCS 2251, issued on July 16.
Justice Kalichman dismissed the fitness centre’s contention that it was prevented from its obligation to pay because it was unable to generate revenues due to the government decree. That line of reasoning adopts a subject approach to irresistibility, which Justice Kalichman rejected. “In order to qualify as superior force, the event at issue must prevent any tenant in Québec Inc.’s situation from paying its rent and not just those who lack sufficient funds,” held Justice Kalichman.
Instead, it was the landlord who was prevented by superior force from fulfilling its obligation to Québec Inc. to provide it with peaceable enjoyment of the premises, even though the fitness centre continued to store its equipment there and benefited to some extent from the services, held Justice Kalichman. The lease between the parties plainly states, however, that the premises was to be used solely as a gym, a commercial activity that was prohibited by the government decree. As a result, Justice Kalichman turned to Article 1694 of the CCQ, which stipulates that a “debtor released by the impossibility of performance may not exact performance of the correlative obligation of the creditor.” In short, since the landlord was unable to provide peaceable enjoyment, albeit due to superior force, it could not “insist” that Québec Inc. pay its rent.

Andrei Pascu, McMillan
The decision makes it difficult for landlords to argue that they were able to provide to tenants peaceable enjoyment, said Richter. “It shows a pretty liberal interpretation of what the courts will see as being the impossibility in the case of a landlord providing peaceable enjoyment because it is linked to the use the tenant was intended to make of it,” added Richter.
Justice Kalichman also dismissed the landlord’s claim that a contract provision in the lease required the tenant to continue paying rent even in the event of a force majeure. He pointed out that the clause applies to delayed obligations and not obligations that could not be performed at all. Perhaps more significantly, Justice Kalichman held that parties to a lease can agree to limit the impact of a landlord’s failure to provide peaceable enjoyment but it cannot agree to exclude it altogether — a position that has been expressed in doctrine and endorsed by the Quebec Court of Appeal in several decisions, most recently in CNH Canada Ltd. c. Promutuel Lac St-Pierre - Les Forges, société mutuelle d'assurances générales 2015 QCCA 204.

Frédéric Legendre, Municonseil Inc.
“Each lease is different,” pointed out Legendre, who has been fielding queries from lawyers about the decision. “Tenants have to really analyze the provisions in the lease and determine whether it limits its usage to a certain activity before deciding not to pay rent because they had to close down due to the government decree.
“As for landlords, perhaps some will no longer in the future impose an intended use of the premises. But in the end I don’t think this decision will have a major impact over all commercial lease disputes in Quebec because it all depends on the clauses in the lease.”
There are at least two other cases dealing with the impact of the pandemic on the contractual obligations of parties to a contractual lease, noted Pascu. Both however were at the interlocutory stage. And in both cases, Tubes et Jujubes Centre d’amusement familial inc. c. 8937974 Canada inc. 2020 QCCS 1934 and Rocco Taverne italienne inc. c. Fiducie Marcon-Campeau inc. 2020 QCCS 1949 — the Quebec Superior Court ruled in favour of tenants who sought interlocutory injunctions to prevent their landlords to use extrajudicial resiliation of the lease and to allow them to reopen their business following the shutdown.
“It seems clear that the Quebec courts, aware of the economic pressure caused by the pandemic, wish to avoid irreparable harm caused to the parties they consider weaker or who have more to lose by the resiliation of their lease,” wrote Pascu in a legal bulletin. “The courts are exercising caution in this period of uncertainty.”