Toronto Court Services announces in-person reopening and expiration of time-limit extensions

Last Updated: Thursday, September 17, 2020 @ 11:26 AM

Law360 Canada (September 9, 2020, 1:06 PM EDT) -- As part of a gradual, appointment-only reopening starting Sept. 14, City of Toronto Court Services is now accepting requests for in-person appointments.

Toronto Court Services counters began accepting appointment requests Sept. 9 for the Sept.14 reopening of counters at 1530 Markham Rd., 2700 Eglinton Ave. W. and 60 Queen St. W

According to a Sept. 9 news release, individuals may send appointment requests to with the word “Appointment” in the subject line. Appointments may also be booked by calling 416-338-7320. Appointments will be scheduled one to two weeks after the request.

“Where possible,” the release reads, “prior to booking an appointment, consider online services such as payment and filing a request for an early resolution meeting, or filing a court application by e-mail or mail.”

Toronto Court Services will schedule additional remote non-trial hearings starting Sept. 28, and all online services remain available to the public, including access to court forms and making a payment. Individuals can also look up their court case status, images of their red-light camera or automated speed enforcement offence and may request an early resolution meeting with the prosecutor.

The number of people allowed in each Toronto Court Services location is limited. People should arrive early for their appointment and be prepared to line up. Anyone entering a court location will be required to wear a face covering. Health protection measures also include enhanced cleaning of court locations, hand sanitizer stations located throughout, installation of plexiglass barriers at counters to protect the public and employees, and physical distancing measures.

On Sept.10, 2020, the chief justice of the Ontario Court of Justice issued an order under the authority of s. 85 of the Provincial Offences Act to extend a number of limitation periods, including for fine payment under the POA, until Dec. 1, 2020.

Editor’s note: This article has been changed to clarify that trials are scheduled by judicial officials, not Toronto Court Services, and to reflect updated information on the Ontario Court of Justice’s Sept. 10 extension of some time limits.

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