Bencher Geoff Pollock is proposing an across-the-board 25 per cent cut in licensing fees starting in 2021, which has been placed on the agenda for the LSO’s Sept. 24 Convocation. Pollock said the pandemic has had a devastating financial impact on the profession.

Geoff Pollock, LSO bencher
The effect of COVID-19 has been particularly acute on solo practitioners and especially paralegals, said Pollock.
“What a lot of people don’t realize is virtually everywhere a paralegal can practise has shut down — small claims court has shut down, the Landlord and Tenant Board, the tribunals,” he said. “It has had a devastating effect on lawyers for sure, but there are other things they can do that a paralegal just can’t.”

Joseph Groia, chair, LSO’s audit and finance committee
“I think [Pollock] and I both share a similar concern that we do need to do something, but I think we do differ dramatically on the process we should follow in getting to that solution,” he said. “We’ve already made a number of important financial decisions so our expenses are down dramatically, but unfortunately our revenues are also down so we have to ask as a society what we are doing, why we are doing it, do we need to be doing and if we can be better.”
An across-the-board cut would also benefit practitioners who likely don’t need one, said Groia.
“Right now I don’t think there is much debate amongst the benchers that we need to listen and be responsive of the concerns of the membership, but with all due respect I consider this proposal to be a reckless one,” he said. “I know some of the benchers have asked Geoff to explain why he would want to give a significant reduction in fees to the Seven Sister firms, and there has been no answer.”

Ryan Handlarski, criminal lawyer
“Many new lawyers have had their articling positions cancelled or have lost their jobs, so whether they want to or not many of them are going to have to go out on their own and hang up their shingle, and the law society fees are a barrier to entry,” said Handlarski. “More of them will be able to do it if they have their fees reduced. This is a conversation we are not having, and it is important that we do and help to increase access to justice, particularly among younger and newer members of our profession.”
For his part, Groia said he is encouraged by the messages he has gotten from people that dealing with COVID-19 needs to be done in a smart and disciplined way.
“What makes sense to me is to come up with a sustainable and balanced solution that provides financial support to those members who need it, but at the same time keep in mind that we do have pretty important jobs to regulate the profession,” he said. “As best as I can tell, the proposal is just a number picked out of thin air and from a financial point of view it is just not sustainable to go down that road.”
And Groia said there has been a “much more powerful and vociferous” response to proposals on removing fee exemptions for lawyers who are over the age of 65 or who have practised for more than 50 years, issues which are currently before benchers.
“Many lawyers and paralegals have made their views loud and clear on those issues, which has caused a very robust debate in the law society,” he said. “That debate is going to continue, and I would be very surprised when it comes back for formal approval, we don’t see some changes.”
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