Law360 Canada wins Canadian Online Publishing Awards

By Matthew Grace

Law360 Canada (February 10, 2023, 1:12 PM EST) -- On Feb. 9, 2023, Law360 Canada (formerly The Lawyer’s Daily) was awarded Gold for “Best Investigative Article — Business” and “Best Blog/Column/Videocast/Podcast — Business” at the Canadian Online Publishing Awards. The column also picked up a special “Top 10” award for highest score from all award nominations, tied for first place overall.

Best Investigative Article: Lawyer’s 4.5-month licence suspension for sexual, racial harassment called ‘slap on the wrist’

Best Blog/Column/Videocast/Podcast: Prison: A view from inside

Big congratulations to the entire team including: Cristin Schmitz, Ottawa Bureau Chief; Peter Carter, Analysis Editor; John Chunn, Copy Editor; Matthew Grace, Managing Editor; David Dorson, Writer; and the entire Law360 Canada team.