CIVIL PROCEDURE - Parties - Vexatious litigants - Striking out pleadings or allegations

Law360 Canada (February 17, 2023, 6:04 AM EST) -- Application by Papouchine for judicial review of a decision of the Vice Chair of the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (Tribunal). The Tribunal dismissed eight complaints alleging discrimination based on ancestry, place of origin, disability and ethnic origin, all in connection with the provision of goods or services. The Vice Chair also declared that the Applicant was a vexatious litigant, required the Applicant to obtain prior leave before commencing further Tribunal proceedings, provided directions with respect to ongoing Tribunal proceedings, and made ancillary orders with respect to the Applicant’s dealings with the Tribunal. The Applicant asked this court to quash the Vice Chair’s decision and to remit his complaints back to the Tribunal. Two sets of issues arose on this application. The first concerned the Tribunal’s dismissal of the Applicant’s eight complaints before the Tribunal at the time of the summary hearing. Second, the Applicant argued that the process followed by the Tribunal was procedurally unfair to him....
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