APPEALS - Grounds - Question of law

Law360 Canada (April 11, 2023, 9:09 AM EDT) -- Appeal by the accused from his convictions on several offences related to the possession of a loaded handgun. He argued that the convictions were based on a misunderstanding of the law and the trial judge erred in finding the police acted reasonably when they beat him upon arrest. The appellant was at a gunfight at a park in a residential area in Calgary. When the shooting started, he fled and hid under the deck of a nearby house. He was later pulled from his hiding place by a police dog and was arrested. A loaded handgun was found where he had been hiding. The appellant was charged with numerous offences related to the possession of that handgun. The appellant testified that following his arrest, he was taken to the hospital to be treated for his injuries. The dog bites were sutured. His left orbital bone, which had been shattered, required surgery and titanium implants to repair. That injury has left him with pain and vision problems. His nose was also broken. Following a trial by judge alone, he was convicted as charged....
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