CIVIL PROCEDURE - Statement of claim - Striking out pleadings or allegations - No reasonable chance of success

Law360 Canada (May 2, 2023, 6:14 AM EDT) -- Appeal by Rebello (Appellant) from a federal court order that struck out her action in damages against the respondents because it had no reasonable prospect of success and was frivolous and vexatious because it was so deficient in factual material that the respondents could not respond. The appellant, who acted on her own behalf, brought her action against the respondents for torts and breaches of various sorts allegedly committed by a number of Ontario Crown actors (Premier of Ontario, Ontario Minister of Transportation, Service Ontario, Ontario Superior Court Services, Crown lawyers, Ontario Minister of Government and Consumer Services, Ontario Provincial Police, the Toronto Police Services, Hydro One and Hydro One employees) and federally appointed Superior Court justices. She claimed $200,000,000 in general damages and $100,000,000 in punitive damages. She asserted that the respondents were liable for financially supporting those provincial Crown and courts actors. She alleged that the respondents impugned conduct amounted to a breach of statutory duties, neglect of duties, a breach of fiduciary duties, misfeasance in public office, conspiracy, negligence and a breach of her rights under sections 7, 8, 12 and 15 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. She contended that the federal court erred by striking her statement of claim (SOC) without leave to amend....
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