SENTENCING - Criminal Code offences - Sexual offences - Deterrence - Denunciation - Sexual offences against children

Law360 Canada (May 19, 2023, 5:52 AM EDT) -- Appeal by the Crown from a conditional sentence imposed on BM for sexual assault. The Crown argued that acts of sexual violence perpetrated over a prolonged period of time against two child victims called out for a denunciatory sentence. BM moved to Canada with refugee status when he was 16 years old. He was born in the Congo. After standing charged with these offences for four years, BM pleaded guilty to various crimes involving the sexual abuse of two children over a total period of 43 months. He was between 18 and 22 years of age when he committed the crimes. The victims were much younger, the crimes commencing when they were about 12 years of age. The two child victims, IA and MK, lived in the same family household as step siblings. He received a conditional sentence of two years less a day, along with two years’ probation, and DNA, SOIRA and weapons prohibition orders....
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