DEFAMATION - Defamatory statements - Imputations of crime - Publication - In mass media - Internet

Law360 Canada (July 10, 2023, 9:20 AM EDT) -- Application by defendants for summary dismissal of the defamation claim against them on the grounds that the alleged defamatory statements were not “of and concerning” the plaintiffs at law. The claim arose from statements made by former Premier Jason Kenney and statements published on the Government of Alberta websites regarding the findings of the public inquiry into anti-Alberta energy campaigns conducted by Commissioner Steve Allan (the Allan Inquiry). The Allan Inquiry culminated in the release of the Report of the Public Inquiry into Anti-Alberta Energy Campaigns (the Allan Report). Four statements (and their combined effect) were complained of by the plaintiffs. The links on these social media posts took the viewer to an Alberta Government web page. This inquiry webpage linked directly to a “Key findings” document which included the names of the plaintiffs. The only issue before the court currently was whether the alleged defamatory statements refer to the plaintiffs....
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