Law360 Canada (July 26, 2023, 5:57 AM EDT) -- Application by applicants seeking declaratory relief because they maintained that respondent’s decision was fatally flawed. Respondent, the Academic Medical Organization of Southwestern Ontario (AMOSO), decided the applicants were no longer eligible to receive funding for their academic services pursuant to a contract known as the AHSC AFP Template Funding Agreement (Funding Agreement). This application involved an element of a financial arrangement which was described as “Base Clinical Funds” in the Funding Agreement. For several years, the applicants received a share of those monies to compensate them for the teaching and research activities they performed. In 2016, AMOSO became aware of an agreement (Oncology AFP) that had been entered into by several parties including Ontario, various hospitals including the London Health Sciences Centre, the OMA and the Ontario Oncology Association. A lengthy review by AMOSO’s Resource Sub-Committee followed. AMOSO’s Governing Committee accepted the recommendation that the allocation of Base Clinical Funds to the Obstetrics and Gynecology Practice Plan be discontinued insofar as the applicants were concerned. AMOSO’s conclusion was that the applicants were, in essence, double-dipping. The applicants maintained AMOSO’s disposition of the issue was procedurally unfair and substantively incorrect. The principal relief sought by the applicants was a declaration they were and continued to be entitled to an allocation of the Base Clinical Funds paid by Ontario to AMOSO pursuant to the Funding Agreement. ...
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