CIVIL PROCEDURE - Appeals - Appeal as of right - Quashing or dismissal of - Courts - Jurisdiction

Law360 Canada (October 16, 2023, 8:28 AM EDT) -- Motion by College of Paramedics of Nova Scotia (College) for dismissal of Hogg’s appeal from decision of Registration Appeal Committee (Committee) concluding that the appeal hearing of the denial of her registration and licensure as paramedic would be de novo with parties able to call evidence in addition to the record from Registration Committee. Hogg appealed the decision to the appellate court pursuant to s. 91(1) of the Paramedics Act (Act). It was her position the appeal hearing before the Committee was a review of the Registration Committee’s decision denying her registration. Further, Hogg submitted that the heading on the title page of the Committee’s May 25 decision imparted a right of appeal to the appellate court. The College brought the motion for dismissal under Civil Procedure Rule 90.40(3), arguing that there was no appeal route to the appellate court from the Committee’s decision....
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