ACCESS TO INFORMATION AND PRIVACY - Inspection of public documents - Request for disclosure

Law360 Canada (November 10, 2023, 6:10 AM EST) -- Appeal by carnivore biologist, Ramona Maraj, from disclosure order for collar data for all caribou herds in Yukon. Maraj requested from the Yukon government all GPS, VHF and satellite collar relocation data for all caribou herds in the Yukon over their range, from January 1, 1980, to November 25, 2019. Some of these caribou herds were inside territories of First Nations. Maraj’s purpose was to write a peer-reviewed article about the management of caribou in the Yukon. The Yukon government, through the Department of Environment, refused disclosure of all the data requested. Maraj then sought review of that decision by the Information and Privacy Commissioner (IPC). The IPC recommended the release of all the information related to two herds for which the data was obtained by the Alaskan government and shared with the Yukon government. However, when the new government was sworn in on May 3, 2021, no further information had come from the Yukon government about the IPC recommendations and the Yukon government was deemed to have refused to follow the recommendations of the IPC....
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