Law360 Canada (November 21, 2023, 6:47 AM EST) -- Application by Defendant to strike or summarily dismiss Plaintiff’s claim. The Plaintiff obtained his law degree from Dalhousie University and completed his articles. To be admitted to the Law Society and practice law, the Legal Profession Act (LPA) required the Plaintiff to swear various oaths in open court before a judge. The Plaintiff filed a Statement of Claim and challenged the oath of allegiance and stated that he was an amritdhari Sikh and had pledged an absolute oath of allegiance to Akal Purakh, the divine being in Sikh tradition. The Plaintiff asserted that the oath of allegiance to the Queen was incompatible with the oath he had with Akal Purakh. The Defendant filed a Statement of Defence on July 15, 2022. The Plaintiff then filed an application for summary judgment on June 10, 2022. In response, the Defendant then filed an application to strike, or alternatively summarily dismiss the Plaintiff’s claim....