Law360 Canada ( May 1, 2024, 2:04 PM EDT) -- Appeal by Tan from result of disciplinary proceedings under Veterinary Profession Act. Following investigation of a client complaint, the Alberta Veterinary Medical Association (Association) referred nineteen allegations of unprofessional conduct for a hearing. A Hearing Tribunal (Tribunal) found Tan guilty of four of the nineteen allegations and imposed a sanction. Tan breached the Tribunal’s orders that restricted him supervising any veterinarian by delegating monitoring of the anesthesia during the cystotomy on the dog Diesel to PD, a supervised limited practice registered veterinarian. He failed to ensure that proper discharge instructions were provided to the clients upon discharge of Diesel. He inappropriately delegated post-operative communication including discharge instructions to unregistered practice staff or PD. Tan offered to reimburse the clients for their bill at another veterinary clinic but thereafter refused to refund. Tan appealed to the Association's Committee of Council (Committee), which upheld the findings of the Tribunal on the merits and on sanction, and also directed Tan to pay 50 per cent of the appeal costs. He argued that the Committee erred in not overturning the findings of the Tribunal. According to him, the Tribunal made a legal error in its interpretation of the concept of “supervision” and “delegation”....