Ottawa and provinces agree to common principles for restarting the economy in light of COVID-19

By Cristin Schmitz

Law360 Canada (April 28, 2020, 4:38 PM EDT) -- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced April 28 that the federal, provincial and territorial governments have agreed on common principles for “restarting the Canadian economy,” based on a shared understanding and appreciation of what science and experts are advising them.

The four-page statement identifies the criteria to apply, and the measures and steps that should be in place, before people can go back to work and school, or see neighbours and friends.

The criteria stipulate that:
  • COVID-19 transmission is controlled, so new cases are contained at a level that health-care systems can manage.
  • Sufficient public health capacity is in place to test, trace, isolate and control the spread of the virus.
  • Expanded health-care capacity exists to support all needs, including COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 patients.
  • Supports are in place for vulnerable groups, communities and key populations including seniors, residents of group living facilities, Indigenous people and those living in remote locations, workers in close quarters, inmates, homeless people, health-care workers and other essential workers.
  • Support, and monitoring of workplace protocols are, in place to keep Canadians safe at their jobs, and prevent the introduction and spread of COVID-19. These protocols could include administrative controls, hand hygiene, environmental cleaning and access to personal protective equipment where physical distancing is not possible. Strong collaboration and oversight processes must be in place to ensure protocols are being met.
  • Restrictions on non-essential travel are eased and managed in a co-ordinated manner.
  • Communities are supported in managing local disease activity, including in child care, schools and public transportation.
  • Industry and economic sectors are engaged to support the health of Canadians, reduced viral activity and the protection of the economy as it restarts.