DISCRIMINATION - Systemic - Workplace discrimination - Job competition

Law360 Canada (August 8, 2023, 8:55 AM EDT) -- Appeal by appellant from orders striking his petition for judicial review of B.C. Human Rights Tribunal (Tribunal) decision dismissing his complaint against Teacher Regulation Branch (TRB) and dismissing his application to add two of respondents, Board of Education of School District (Board) and British Columbia Teachers’ Federation (BCTF) as parties to his petition. The dispute arose from the appellant’s belief that TRB wrongfully required him to pass an English language proficiency test when applying for a teaching qualification in British Columbia. The appellant, originally from Bangladesh, argued that the requirement was discriminatory and racially biased. The Tribunal summarily dismissed his complaint, finding no evidence to support his allegations of bias. The appellant’s petition sought judicial review of the Tribunal’s decision, but the chambers judge struck it out, citing its voluminous and unsupported nature, including scandalous and vexatious allegations. The judge also dismissed the application to add parties and the request for advance costs. On appeal, the appellant raised several grounds of bias, errors of law, and breaches of natural justice and fairness....
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