MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT - Spousal support - Quantum and duration - Time-limited

Law360 Canada (September 8, 2023, 6:07 AM EDT) -- Appeal by wife from quantum and duration of spousal support. She argued that the trial judge failed to consider the significant income disparity and their respective contributions to raising their children and managing the household during the marriage. Both parties were chartered accountants, with significantly disparate incomes. They were married for 21 years and had two adult children. Following their separation in 2015, the wife earned $118,516 per year, while the husband earned $423,748 per year. The trial judge awarded the wife $2,500 per month in spousal support until the husband’s retirement, considering his expected income decline post-retirement. Additionally, the trial judge accepted the husband’s proposal to transfer the matrimonial home to the wife and provide his share of the proceeds through an interest-free mortgage....
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