FOR TORTS - Affecting the person - Assault - Invasion of privacy - Harassment - Intimidation

Law360 Canada (November 6, 2023, 9:03 AM EST) -- Action by Plaintiff, Ms. C, (C) for damages against Defendant, Mr. W (W), for physical and psychological injuries she suffered from W’s abuse during their relationship. C and W met at a university and less than three months later, got engaged. W moved into C’s house where he resided for almost two years. C discovered W’s drinking problem. Despite her threat that she would not marry him and that he would have to move out if he would not stop drinking, W never stopped his habit. C stated she suffered from physical and emotional abuse from W due to his alcohol addiction and he threatened to kill her if she told others about his drinking. C sought a counselor’s help who empowered her to remove W from her home. In her last altercation with W, she demanded that he move out of her house. W assaulted her. She eventually reported the assault to the police and W was arrested. As C did not want to press criminal charges, she pursued a Peace Bond to keep W away from her and her home. W alleged he could not remember things because of an accident and denied he had a drinking problem. Based on the evidence, C suffered from physical and psychological injuries due to W’s actions; she had constant pain in her back, neck and shoulders and constant headache that required indefinite treatment; she suffered from PTSD, anxiety and depression due to W’s prolonged abuse and would need continuous treatment, counselling and medication; and, the abuse had greatly impacted her quality of life....
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